Conferences & workshops organized by DICENDA

26 March 2024 12h00 to 12h50 Amphithéâtre Mozart Expert Conference

AI + social media : attirer les clients avec des histoires passionnantes

Customers crave novelty and innovation, yet they navigate through a digital environment saturated with redundant content, overwhelmed by artificial intelligence (AI).

This conference delves into innovative strategies for brands to amplify their creativity and stand out in an information flow where content tends to be repetitive.

It will include a workshop to assist participants in creating captivating and unique stories that resonate with their current and potential customers, cleverly leveraging AI capabilities and the dynamics of social media.



Social Media Manager – DICENDA

Attract clients with engaging stories . Dicenda is a studio dedicated to social media, snack content, video, Reels, and stories on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and all social platforms.

Conférence Expert

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1er, 2 & 3 AVRIL 2025

Paris porte de Versailles Pavillon 4