Conferences & workshops organized by SALESAPPS

26 March 2024 14h00 to 14h50 Amphithéâtre Mozart Expert Conference

Modern Selling or how to create a customer experience that sells during meetings ?

B2B buyers are more autonomous than ever, and the time they devote to sales reps is increasingly limited (5% according to Gartner). In this growingly complex B2B sales environment, marketing and sales departments are facing new challenges : how to capture the buyer's attention and be more persuasive in a limited amount of time? how to modernize the sales rep’s approach and create a relationship of trust? how to create a successful customer experience and differentiate yourself to sell more?

If you work in sales or marketing, join us to find out more about Modern Selling and how to :

  • Turn your marketing content into sales content
  • Create more immersive meetings thanks to contextualized sales paths
  • Create a differentiating brand experience
  • Use data from the field to improve your marketing strategy
  • And plenty of other best practices to discover in live!

Align Sales & Marketing, accelerate the development of your sales force, make your salespeople more efficient during their field and remote meetings, modernise your sales approach and create a customer experience, increase your sales and your margins! Salesapps voted best sales enablement application.

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